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“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund
“From the age of 13 I suffered from hay-fever and nothing the doctor did helped. My mother took me to a homeopath and my hay-fever went, and it also helped greatly with allergies and asthma. It’s the most effective treatment I have ever tried including conventional medicine.”
Cindy Lund

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March – Ovarian cancer Awareness Month

In the UK, March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month. Ovarian cancer is the biggest gynaecological killer of UK women, with UK survival rates amongst the worst in Europe. (Ovarian cancer awareness month, March 2017)

Having lost one of my closest friends to this insidious disease at the age of 45 (diagnosed at 39,) I am actively helping to spread awareness of the symptoms, in the hope that the patient is fully informed of treatment options and care, from the earliest signs. She was originally given a diagnosis of IBS, then PMS, despite the fact she looked 6 months pregnant. It took over a year to get to the route cause of her condition. ‘Three quarters of women are diagnosed once the cancer has already spread, making treatment more difficult. That is why awareness is so important, to drive forward improvements in detection, treatment and ultimately survival.’ (Ovarian cancer awareness month, March 2017)

Because there is much difficulty in its diagnosis, (evidently, even amongst the medical profession!) any help in clarification of the symptoms, and potential reasons for the development of the disease, has to be good. I, as both a health professional and from a personal point of view, would like to see more research into the possible causes. Vibrant health stems from prevention, where possible.

Symptoms and possible causes

According to The Mayo Clinic (June, 2014) symptoms may include:

  • Abdominal bloating or swelling

  • Quickly feeling full when eating

  • Weight loss

  • Discomfort in the pelvis area

  • Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation

  • A frequent need to urinate

Certain factors may increase your risk of ovarian cancer:

  • Ovarian cancer can occur at any age but is most common in women ages 50 to 60 years.

  • Inherited gene mutation. A small percentage of ovarian cancers are caused by an inherited gene mutation. The genes known to increase the risk of ovarian cancer are called breast cancer gene 1 (BRCA1) and breast cancer gene 2 (BRCA2). These genes were originally identified in families with multiple cases of breast cancer, which is how they got their names, but women with these mutations also have a significantly increased risk of ovarian cancer.

  • Estrogen hormone replacement therapy, especially with long-term use and in large doses.

  • Age when menstruation started and ended. If you began menstruating before age 12 or underwent menopause after age 52, or both, your risk of ovarian cancer may be higher.

  • Never being pregnant.

  • Fertility treatment.

  • Use of an intrauterine device.

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.

(Mayo Clinic, 2014)

Homeopathic management of ovarian cancer

I would strongly recommend that the homeopath ensures the patient presenting with ovarian cancer has a diagnosis and is aware of all the potential routes to healing, which may be conventional, or a combination of both holistic, homeopathic, naturopathic and the allopathic approach (including addressing the diet for optimum nutrition, if necessary.) A homeopath would take the entire case history, and prescribe according to the presenting symptoms.  This would help to balance the system, on every level, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Were surgery required, homeopathy can be wonderful to help both the trauma of physical and emotional healing. The homeopathic approach to the patient in these circumstances (as with any serious, life threatening disease) would be individualised and would be aimed at addressing the route cause of the disease as well as the symptoms presented. Any support at this time which could help healing, would be welcomed. Remedy choice would be determined by symptoms specific to the individual.

Because of the complexity of the disease, a fully integrated expert approach would be optimal, hopefully resulting in the patient’s recovery and enhancing the quality of life whilst undergoing treatment. My dear friend (having had stage 4 ovarian cancer) lived 4 years longer than her original prognosis of 2 years. She was sure it was attributed to the rich, multi disciplinary route she adopted, following high quality, specialist advice from every corner. This valuable, time, allowed her to see her son almost finish his schooling; precious, irreplaceable years. It has taken me a long time to be able to do, what she wanted and asked me to do, which is to try to help and inform others; asking them to look at the bigger picture and take into account everything that constitutes ‘the body.’  I dedicate this to her, her beauty and her bravery.

Consult a registered homeopath at www.findahomeopath.org

Gill Graham



Ovarian cancer symptoms/causes [online] June 2014

Available at: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ovarian-cancer/basics/symptoms/con-20028096)

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month [online ] March 2017. Available at: http://ocam.org.uk/

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February, a month of spiritual purification

‘Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.’  -Mahatma Gandhi.

Many of you will have spent January detoxing or abstaining from alcohol or rich food, or at least aware that that you should be more careful with your diet and lifestyle following any potential holiday excesses’.  So, if we see January as more of a physical body detox, then, all the historic evidence implies that February is perhaps a month for spiritual cleansing.

Here are the facts. The etymology of the word February suggests it is from the late 14th century and ultimately from the Latin februarius mensis, meaning, ‘month of purification’ Also, februare ‘to purify,’ and februa meaning ‘purifications, expiatory rites.’ (An expiatory right is like offering an olive branch, an outstretched hand, or the dove of peace etc.)  I see it as balancing the soul to be in harmony with the body, striving for complete homeostasis and state of being; the body having been cleansed, this is a time for an emotional, spiritual purification.

The Romans saw February as a month of purification.  Originally the Roman calendar only had 10 months. March being the first month, December the last.  January and February were eventually tagged onto the end of the year and seen as lifeless, almost boring months, so they used February as a month to atone for their sins. Herein lies the link to the word ‘februum’ which means purification.  Februus was the Roman God of purification.  The Romans, as many of us are aware had their own unique way of doing things, and saw making animal sacrifices in order to please their ancestors as a way of atoning; they would also pray. Purity was not all abounding however as February 13-15th heralded the pagan festival of Lupercalia, known for its wild orgies.  It involved much debauchery, nakedness and strange customs. This is probably not the place to discuss, but interesting we now have valentines on the 14th, with its almost polite quaint customs, by comparison. Valentines was first acknowledged in the 14th century at the time when Geoffrey Chaucer wrote poetically about courtly love and later in the 18th century the tradition of sending flowers and love notes to one’s beloved became common practice.  Again here, we see evidence of birth of a new start, or love.

Imbolc, or  Brigid’s Day to the ancient Celts, is an ancient  Midwinter Festival of Lights.  This special day occurs halfway between winter solstice and the spring equinox, generally February 2nd. Much of the Imbolc celebrations revolved around fire, which was sacred and involved bonfires being lit at sundown to burn away the ‘old year’ and make was for new growth, fertilizing the earth and inviting the rejuvenating, life giving power of the sun and new light. Women would invariably dress up in white robes, symbolizing purity and new beginnings. Early spring flowers were collected, candles lit; colour and light suddenly giving hope in the darkness, of a new dawn.

So, in a month when many are struggling with winter blues and feeling there is no end in sight to the darkness, have faith!  February symbolises the start of new vibrancy, where the sun and the light feature figuratively and symbolically. Should you need help in order to balance both your emotional and physical health, consult a homeopath at www.findahomeopath.org. You are unique, so are your symptoms.  Homeopathy strives to treat everyone as an individual, through in-depth consultation. Significantly still relevant today, words from the Ancient Greek Philosopher, Plato, embody fundamental homeopathic philosophy:

‘The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole, and also no attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul, and therefore if the head or body are to be well, you must begin by curing the mind: that is the first thing … For this is the error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that physicians separate the soul from the body.’  (Plato, Chronicles)




Gill Graham


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‘Dry January’ and giving up alcohol with holistic and homeopathic help

‘I drink because I wish to multiply my sufferings.’
― Fyodor DostoyevskyCrime and Punishment


‘There comes a time in every woman's life when the only thing that helps is a glass of champagne.’
― Bette Davis

The above quotes are symptomatic of many people views on alcohol and drinking and the paradox which ensues. Clearly, there are delights for some of us in the odd glass of champagne. However, moderation for some appears impossible and the chronic abuse of alcohol can become toxic in every sense.

Many parts of the world are now taking on an initiative based on England’s ‘Dry January’ which basically means encouraging people to abstain from alcohol for the entire month.  The aim is to raise awareness of the health benefits associated with going alcohol free and to stress the positive impact it could potentially have, both mentally and physically, for us all.

According to Alcohol Concern, drinking alcohol is a causal factor of over 60 illnesses and conditions, some of which include:

  • High blood pressure

  • Depression

  • Liver cirrhosis

  • Liver, stomach, throat and mouth cancer

The term ‘Dry January’ was registered as a trademark by the charity Alcohol Concern in mid-2014; the first ever Dry January campaign by Alcohol Concern occurred in January 2013. In the lead up to the January 2015 campaign, for the first time Alcohol Concern partnered with Public Health England.

Alcohol seems to have become ‘normalised.’ It is very much part of our culture, (unless people abstain on religious and moral grounds) and many social events have alcohol involved. Without thinking, we congregate in pubs; invariably it would be rude not to take a bottle to a dinner party, we toast major celebrations often with bubbly of some description.  We are conditioned to accepting that we are different if we do not imbibe. Companies that sell alcohol have vibrant, buoyant marketing campaigns; we are bombarded with adverts encouraging us to drink to be cool and stylish, often targeted at the young who are often easily influenced. The negative and possible addictive effects are not advertised as strongly as they should be, apart from vague allusions to ‘drinking responsibly.’

The objective of dry January, I feel, is targeted at regular, possibly moderate to heavy drinkers who will notice a difference to their lives by eliminating alcohol, even if it is only for a month.  It is also possible that these drinkers will benefit in the long term by moderating or perhaps stopping their consumption altogether, once they are aware of the massive benefits, mentally and physically.

Many could find giving up alcohol a challenge.  For this reason, there are several homeopathic remedies that could help ease the cravings and calm the nervous system by helping to balance the body. For heavy drinkers and those who may be addicted, symptoms of withdrawal (both physical and mental) could include the following:

  • tremors

  • anxiety

  • nausea and/or vomiting

  • headache

  • increased heart rate

  • sweating

  • irritability

  • confusion

  • lowered blood pressure

  • fits

  • hallucinations

Possible Indicated Remedies

The following are list of homeopathic remedies that have an affinity to symptoms often related to alcohol withdrawal and associated problems. Only the keynotes are listed here as a guide. It is advisable to seek the advice of a professional homeopath, who can tailor a remedy to your own unique symptoms:  www.findahomeopath.org

Arsenicum - Overuse of alcohol. For people with chronic alcohol dependency. Nervous weakness accompanied by great tremulousness. Anxiety and compulsiveness, with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Indicated also where symptoms of anxiety accompany alcoholism (and sometimes misuse of drugs, legal or otherwise.)

Avena sativa - Indicated where delirium tremens, nervousness and sleeplessness are at the forefront of presenting symptoms. Also useful with other addictions (to help detoxify the body) such as such as cocaine, heroin and opium.

Capsicum – Helps to encourage a dislike for alcohol. Acts well on indolent people who are sedentary with a tendency to obesity. Perspiration and slow digestion, flatulence and intense desire for stimulants. Great thirst.

Cannabis Indica – Where violence, a tendency to talk excessively; delusions and hallucinations also often present. Pupils dilated, flushed face. Useful also in potency for helping to detoxify both marijuana and alcohol.

Hyoscyamus - Indicated also when delirium tremens occurs. Unremitting insomnia presents. Delirium is constant and loquacious. Pulse is fast and skin is cold and clammy and patient is tremulous and picks constantly at objects in the air. Frequent outburst of laughter alternating with weeping is a common symptom.

Lachesis -  Particularly effective for the female social alcoholic who often presents with a headache in the morning; sometimes she has visions of snakes and hideous objects. Loquaciousness a key symptom together with intolerance of tight clothing around the neck and waist.

Natrum Mur – A wonderful remedy used for those that abuse alcohol who also have long term chronic depression and grief issues.

Nux vomica-  Possibly the best known anti-alcoholic remedy. It covers presenting symptoms of irritability, nausea, vomiting, headache and tremors, following abuse of alcohol. Anger in a chronic state and constant desire for stimulants of any kind. It is a wonderful remedy to help reduce alcohol dependence.

Phosphorus - Indicated in nervous or glandular degeneration of alcoholics. Good remedy for alcoholic cirrhosis.

Quercus –Particularly taken as the mother tincture, taken in water, querqus will help to reduce alcoholic cravings.

Ranunculus bulbosus –Reputedly one of the best but little known remedies to treat acute alcoholism, particularly where panic and delirium are key presenting symptoms.

Stramonium – Suitable in habitual drunkards Where the patient presents with a bright red face and is experiencing hallucinations and looks and feels terrified. Often experiences visions of animals seeing him out and from which he is trying to escape.

Sulphuric acid –A great remedy for chronic alcoholism, often where the craving is brandy. (Also seen in those requiring sulphur, nux vomica and stramonium.) The stomach cannot tolerate the tiniest amount of food.

There are many more remedies which could be discussed, however, I stress that it is helpful to see the key presenting symptoms in their totality before prescribing, and a professional homeopath is trained in how to do this.

There are still however a fortunate few who can drink occasionally without addiction and subsequent alcoholism.  In these cases, drinking is not a cause for concern as it is minimal and obviously done for pleasure and the individual who drinks like this appears to be in control; a balance many of us could benefit from. However, In Britain and other countries, there is a growing trend to drink to get drunk.  This is becoming a serious problem and is taking its toll on our health service.  As well as the physical ramifications outlined, the psychological effects can be equally devastating and dangerous.

Adjunctive advice

The benefits of taking time out in January, or whenever in fact, will allow you to listen to your body and nourish it with good food, exercise and lots of water. Your sleep patterns are likely to improve dramatically and generally you will feel less tired. Because of more sleep you will look better. Toxins in the alcohol make skin less elastic and this can be ageing. Liver function will improve as excessive drinking can cause inflammation potentially leading to cirrhosis. In addition, it is worth supplementing vitamins and minerals at this time if indicated. Generally, you will feel more vibrant and clear headed. You may discover new interests as you are not wasting time nursing a hangover. The possibilities are endless and the world is your oyster!

Happy New Year!



Gill Graham





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A homeopathic approach to dealing with anger

It is Anger Awareness Week from 1-6th December. It is important for us all, that we learn to control what can be a negative emotion, and have huge consequences to our own emotional and physical health and also the wellbeing and lives of those around us.

The British Association of anger management states: ‘The aim of Anger Awareness Week is to identify anger as a disturbing social issue which needs to be brought out into the open and addressed effectively. Anger Awareness Week will help people befriend anger by using the right tools to calm themselves down and to deal effectively with this emotion, be it of their own or that of others.’

Some anger is normal and possibly a healthy reaction to situations that for whatever reason, provoke an anger response.  Such strength of emotion can motivate one to take charge, to change things from a negative to a positive and to stop us being a victim in certain circumstances.  It is, in my opinion, a way of telling ourselves that our limits of tolerance have been reached, to step back and reassess and to change whatever it is that is upsetting us.  So, on a positive side, anger can be both motivating and empowering, providing it is short lived and contained. However, I am sure we have all ‘crossed the line’ at times and acted in a way, which in retrospect, we would change.  Normally, no harm is done, hurt feelings, bruised pride and a sense of being temporarily out of control, which is often, hopefully, balanced by heartfelt apologies and possibly lessons learnt; we are after all, only human and have a right to experience both positive and negative emotions.

It does, however, risk becoming pathological and a danger to ones’ health when it cannot be controlled or channeled positively and in a short period of time. This can cause both physical and mental problems which can become deep seated. High blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and a variety of emotional health problems. Symptoms would depend on the cause but could include violence, rudeness, loss of control, and inability to be rational. Physically, flushed face, increased blood pressure, tension throughout the body, rapid pulse, shortness of breath and shaking. As a consequence, the immune system can become affected as the vital force is knocked off balance There are few things worse than absorbing the vibration of someone who is permanently angry with life. For both the victims and his/her victims, it is essential to focus and address the route cause of the problem and treat with an appropriate remedy. Homeopathy will help to bring the body into a state of homeostasis, balancing the mind and body, by addressing specific aetiologies (causes).  Anger is frequently caused by overwhelming stress and anxiety but the specific state would be addressed and a suitable remedy suggested in keeping with the totality of the characteristic symptoms. Underneath the anger could lie feelings of fear and anxiety, hurt, humiliation, feelings of rejection, physical or emotional abuse, or it could be a physical problem affecting the mind, all of which could be discovered throughout in depth consultation. Specific remedies for other triggers are listed below.

Remedies to consider:

  • Arnica – If the anger follows a fright.

  • Aurum Metallicum – Deep depression, fear, worry accompanying the anger, very sensitive, possibly talks of suicide.

  • Bryonia alba – If everything is irritating and the anger is accompanied by a headache, parched mouth and dizziness

  • Chamomilla – If anger causes colic, perspiration; in teething babies, and temper tantrums in children/people of all ages. Pain for both the victim and the witness is often intolerable.

  • Cina- Anger accompanied by nervousness; children can be particularly abusive. Frequently, intestinal worms are part of the picture.

  • Colocynthis – Anger with indignation, often accompanied by stomach cramps

  • Crocus Sativas – Anger often with violence, followed by laughter

  • Ignatia –Where anger follows grief, shock or disappointment, sighing and sobbing, melancholic

  • Mercurius solubilis - Sudden anger with an impulse to do violence

  • Natrum Mur - Ill effects from anger with fear. Sometimes vengeful and violent.

  • Nitric acid - Hateful vindictive head strong but with hopeless despair, sensitive to noise pain and touch

  • Nux vomica - Violent temper and can not bear contradiction, generally irritable and angry. Anger may lead to indigestion. Person is irritable and can not bear noise or smells. Moody and fault finding and with a fiery temperament

  • Sepia - Sepia is a good remedy for pre menstrual or menopausal anger. Easily offended and indifferent to family; very sad and weepy with anxiety towards evening.

  • Staphysagria - Ill effects from anger and insults, suppressed anger and indignation. A common remedy for suppressed anger that is suddenly explosive.

  • Sulphur - Feels depressed, weak lazy and irritable selfish with no regard for others

In addition to consulting a homeopath, there is much you can do for yourself.

  • Identify the cause and any situations that are likely to provoke anger. Avoid where possible and realize the negative, destructive effect exposing yourself to these situations has on you and others.

  • Exercise helps to work out negative energies as does yoga, and meditation

  • Cultivate your loves and interests and focus on what you enjoy and what gives you profound satisfaction – music, writing, painting etc.

  • Avoid any sort of addictive behavior, (alcohol, drugs, fast food) or at least recognize it, and seek help. This behavior can cause or exacerbate the state.

  • Try and be positive and nurture loving thoughts

  • Be accountable for your actions and reason with yourself; imagine you are a highly esteemed role model for your family, friends and children and act like you would like them to do so.

By controlling your anger, you will be healthier and happier and will be able to radiate your calm to a positive effect on those around you. The change starts with you.  For more advice, contact a homeopath at www.findahomeopath.org.

Gill Graham



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Homeopathy for Coughs

Homeopathy for Coughs - Registered Homeopath Ulrike Holzer explains more:


Coughing is due to irritation of the respiratory tract at any point between the larynx and the deeper parts of the lungs. It serves the purpose of clearing our airways of mucus, bugs and foreign particles.

A cough may flare up suddenly, caused by dust, fumes or smoke. But usually it occurs as part of an overall picture of a throat or chest infection. The chest infection may have developed from a cold or it may have started ‘on the chest’. Even a little cough can be debilitating but remember that a cough is a symptom, not a disease in and of itself, that’s often indicative of an underlying condition. The most common conventional treatment for coughs are decongestants and cough suppressants. While these may offer temporary relief from the symptoms, they do so by suppressing the body’s own defences. Cough medicines block the body’s cough reflex, which can be problematic as coughing helps to clear the breathing passages.

Homeopathy for different types of Coughs

dry cough which produces little or no phlegm. It is often the result of infection by cold and flu viruses. It can also be triggered by atmospheric pollutants (such as cigarette smoke) irritating your throat. In most of these situations, dry coughs occur because the back of your throat becomes irritated or inflamed, but may also arise from deeper in the chest. The following homeopathic remedies may be helpful for dry coughs:

  • Aconite: Sudden and violent onset of symptoms of a croup-like cough in very dry cold weather. Often there is also anxiety and restlessness. The person may have a fever and is thirsty, but doesn’t sweat.

  • Bryonia: Slow and gradual onset of cough symptoms, often accompanied by fever. The cough sounds dry and hacking. Very painful cough (sharp and stabbing pains in throat and chest), which is worse from any movement and better for holding the chest. Thirsty for large quantities of water. Cough is aggravated by eating, drinking and entering a warm room.  Better for pressure, holding the chest and keeping absolutely still. Worse for any movement and can be worse at night.

  • Drosera: Cough is dry, irritating and spasmodic. Coughing takes breath away. Attacks follow each other very rapidly, can hardly breathe. Coughing is so hard that it can result in vomiting or nosebleeds. Deep barking or choking coughs. Hoarseness of voice.

  • Rumex crispus: Dry, tickling cough preventing sleep. Barking, incessant and tiring cough. Tickling sensation in the throat, as if a breadcrumb is stuck in the throat. Dry mucus membranes followed by sticky mucus. Cough worse by lying on left side, inspiring cool air and at night.

  • Spongia tosta: Dry, barking, croupy cough. Wheezing and rasping. The larynx is sensitive to touch. Raw, tearing and burning pain in larynx from coughing. Cough sounds “dry as a bone”, like  ‘ a saw driven through a pine board’. Cough excited by talking. Sensation as if breathing through a sponge. Hoarse voice. Cough is worse in warm room and talking, and better from drinking warm drinks.

wet/chesty cough is triggered by an excessive amount of mucus in the chest. A productive cough is most often the result of an infection by cold and flu viruses and is often accompanied by symptoms of the cold of flu, a blocked nose and fever. The following homeopathic remedies may be helpful for chesty coughs:

  • Antimonium tartaricum: Cough is wet and rattling, but the mucus is thick and difficult to cough up. Breathless, wheezy and noisy chest.  Lungs seem full of mucus yet less and less is raised. Gasping fro air before every attack of cough. Cough is worse in warm rooms, overheating and warm weather. Better in cold, open air and sitting erect.

  • Blatta orientalis: Shortness of breath. Difficult breathing, better from expectoration of mucus. The cough is suffocating from great accumulation of mucus. Purulent cough with yellow mucus.

  • Ferrum phosphoricum: Short, painful and tickling cough with sore chest. Hacking, tormenting, spasmodic cough with much production of mucus. Worse at night. Better cold application and lying down.

  • Ipecacuanha: Spasmodic cough with rapid development of phlegm which may be vomited up. Cough is incessant and violent with every breath. The person often feels nauseous and vomits. Cough is worse in warm/damp environment/weather. Better from open air.

  • Mercurius solubis: Shortness of breath when coughing. Excessive yellow/green phlegm, which can be easily coughed up. Cough is worse from drafts, taking cold. Worse changing weather and temperature, and worse at night. Better from moderate temperature and in the morning.

  • Pulsatilla: Cough is productive in the day and dry in the night. Thick, yellow and loose phlegm. All symptoms are worse in hot/stuffy rooms and from warm air, but better from cool, fresh/open air.

General advice to manage a cough

  • Keep hydrated! Drinking plenty of water is essential to keep the mucus membranes moist. This is particularly important in winter as houses tend to be dry due to central heating etc.. Add honey or ginger to hot tea to relieve your cough and clear your airway.

  • Avoid irritants, such as smoke, dust, perfumes and scented air fresheners as these may irritate the lining of the mucus membranes of the respiratory tract.

  • Steam! Steam, quite literally, loosens phlegm and mucus and thus alleviates cough symptoms. So by taking a hot shower/bath a cough can be greatly helped.

Call the doctor if:

  • The overall condition worsens.

  • There are other problems, such like a heart condition etc.

  • The new infection is in addition to a long-term chest infection, such as chronic bronchitis or emphysema.

Note: Do not attempt to treat severe bronchitis or pneumonia yourself.

Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace the advice of your physician or health care provider. First aid situations may require medical or hospital care. Do not use this article as a means to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think that your condition may be serious, before discontinuing any medication that has been prescribed for you, or before starting any new treatment.

If you cannot decide which homeopathic remedy to select or if your cough lingers then please book an appointment for a full consultation with a professional homeopath.

Ulrike Holzer  LSECH MSCH MARH (Registered Homeopath)


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